Are you looking for a Commercial roofing contractor?
How about an industrial roofing contractor?
Apaxx is the quality roofing company you need for your roofing installations.

Look no further. Your quality roofing company is here for you.

Apaxx is an expert in commercial roofing.

Since the beginning, our roofing company has followed the lead of our founder and president, Tom Paxton who is a master at knowing the effective methods to service manufacturing facilities and distribution warehouses.

Indeed, Apaxx understands what our clients need from a commercial roofing contractor and we are inspired by Tom’s mandate. Needlesss to say, our roofers take pride in this commitment to customer service and the delivery of quality roofs.

Examples of Apaxx Roofing Systems

We are an Industrial roofing contractor you can count on

Of course, there are many ways to repair large roofing sections, with several products to choose from. All roofing products appear to have the answer, but how do you know which systerm to select? Why should you have to guess the best solution? Especially when you have a critical rebuild or a re roofing project. Without a doubt, you can count on the quality advice of our industrial roofing team.

Learn More About Apaxx Roofing Systems...

We Help Our Clients Find What They Need

Apaxx is often introduced to the newest and “best” roofing products by manufacturers.

What we choose is what has proven successful over time and with experience. For example, we might not use a membrane because it doesn’t hold up as well against hail;  perhaps the delamination happens quicker. Or simply because the product is not as cost-effective for our customer.  

In every case, we will investigate your needs thoroughly. Clearly, our solutions work because we keep your needs foremost in our minds.


Let Apaxx help you! 

We will investigate which roofing system is best and why. Let’s set up an appointment with you to become your commercial roofing contractor.